Monday, September 20, 2010

First Lab

Our first lab in OSD600 was to run the experiments at chromeexperiments on the nightly builds of Chrome (Chromium) and Firefox (Minefield) and determine which browser was faster and why. Each student was delegated 10 experiments to test, I was assigned 61-70.

The results show pretty conclusively that Chrome ran the experiments much better, 9/10 of them ran faster on Chrome and the last test ran equally on both browsers. The results of my test can be found here.




My name is Brian Law and I'm in the 6th and last semester in the CPA program. I've just completed an 8 month co-op work term so almost everyone I've met this semester is new. I'm really excited about the classes I'm taking (GAM666, OSD600, DBS501, PRJ666) and hoping to learn a lot.

Here's a link to my wiki:


Thoughts on some articles

The article called The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond talks about his experience applying "Linus' Law". It was a very interesting read particularly because he gives some very good suggestions for starting ones own open source project, such as being charismatic and releasing builds early and often. I'm sure during the OSD600 course we will also be applying "Linus' Law", and I'm excited to see how our projects will turn out.

The second article was For Mozilla and Google, Group Hugs Get Tricky is about the competition that Mozilla faces in Google, Microsoft and Apple. A large portion of Mozillas funds come from Google and since Google has come out with Chrome this articles brings up the question of what will Mozilla do if Google decides to pull the plug on the deal making Google the default homepage of Firefox. If it were to happen I believe Mozilla would be able to reach a deal with another search engine.